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What's the Nuri Mileage System?

The combination of "nuri" and "mileage" means that Korean language learners around the world earned the points from various learning activities at the Nuri-Sejong Institute website.

How do I save a point with Nuri Mileage?

if you do following activities with studying Korean Language hard, your scores will be accumulated one by one.

  • Join
    10 points
  • Login
    10 points
  • Learning
    10 points
  • Posting
    7 points
  • Completion
    15 points
  • Post Speaking Skill
    5 points
  • Post Writing Skill
    5 points
  • Comment
    6 points
  • Quiz
    5 points
  • Teacher Training
    5 points
  • SNS Sharing
    3 points
  • Stamp
    1 point

What can you do with Nuri Mileage?

Making your own character collection. The character can be used as a profile image to express your personality and use the collected emoji to write a nice comment.

Hangul Download

  • Characteristics
    • A face shape that symbolizes ㅎ letter
    • Usually, the mouth is shaped like a ㅁ letter, but the lower mouth is round when smiling.
  • personality
    • a confident and always cheerful atmosphere
    • Sometimes he does something off the wall so embarrasses the other

"he loves Hangul so much that he changed the name as 'Hangul'. Hangul is from the future. Although Hangul is famous in the future, came to the present to promote Hangul more. he mets Nuri on a trip, and they understand each other because they love Korea and Korean culture. That's why they tell about Korea more. You can see Hangul in mileage characters like Nari! please look forward to seeing him! Please look forward to Hangul, too!"